What is Rhinitis?
Chronic rhinitis symptoms usually consist of a runny nose, an itchy nose, sneezing, congestion and/or post nasal drainage (drip). These symptoms usually last months or longer.

Chronic rhinitis symptoms usually consist of a runny nose, an itchy nose, sneezing, congestion and/or post nasal drainage (drip). These symptoms usually last months or longer.
Chronic Rhinitis involves the overproduction of nasal fluid from lining of the nose. Causes of drainage may range from allergies, physical irritation, inflammation, or overstimulation of nerves in the nose. When these nerves become overstimulated, they send signals that cause inflammation in the nose (congestion) and over production of drainage.
Treatment often involves a number of different nose sprays (cortiosteroids, antihistamines, anti-cholinergics, and nasal saline). When constant drainage is believed to be due to an overactive nervous system in the nose – tested by having some positive response to ipratropium nasal spray, cryotherapy may provide some with longer sustained relief with a simple procedure.
The ClariFix Cryotherapy device goes straight to the source of the symptoms – the out-of-balance nerves.
Using a minimally-invasive treatment called ‘cryotherapy’, the ClariFix device interrupts the signals from these nerves to reduce your runny, stuffy nose symptoms.
When the cold temperature hits the out-of-balance nerves, the nerve signals are temporarily interrupted. The nerves are no longer telling the nose to drip, run and swell.