Are you one of the many people who struggle with allergies? As an ENT, I see plenty of people with food and inhalant allergies. I treat patients who are experiencing chronic sinus infections, asthma, acid reflux, and many other related conditions using a functional medicine approach to get to the root cause of the issue.
Personally, I have experienced food and inhalant allergies. Over time they developed into asthma because the root cause was not completely addressed. Yes, I was on allergy shots, and taking Flonase and Allegra to manage my symptoms, but that did not treat the actual problem. After I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and possibly early Crohn’s disease, I started seeing a functional medicine practitioner to see if there was anything I could do to reverse or improve my gut inflammation. As I researched this and with his assistance, I realized that had the inflammation not been found, it could have snowballed into cancer.
You see, the end result of inflammation is cancer. It changes the cellular linings of your gut and your respiratory system, and those changes take place when the cells are being reproduced. Eventually, if the inflammation is not addressed it can lead to chronic illness and even cancer. Therefore, I decided to implement functional medicine into my practice. I believe it is the missing piece in my practice and it is missing in many other medical practices as well.
Are you struggling with food or inhalant allergies? Did you ever stop to think your symptoms might be coming from an issue within your gut?
If you would like to learn more about my practice and my program, please contact me using our secure online form to schedule a consultation. I would be happy to work with you to get to the bottom of your allergies so you can achieve optimal health.